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Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine and Holistic Healing
Founded in 2002 by Teacher Wen Shu Teng, Oriental Medical Care offers a range of health and wellness treatments. Wen Shu and her associates offer Traditional Chinese Medicine Techniques, Acupuncture, Reflexology and Energy Healing. More information about each of these techniques can be found on our Services page.
The health care provided at our clinic is based on the principle of Holistic Medicine: treat the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of each person. Wen Shu Teng will diagnose the health problem; often the effect of an energy imbalance in your body. Following this, the treatment will vary from acupuncture to massage to herbal to energy rebalance prescriptions. Wen Shu might then suggest changes to aspects of lifestyle and diet that may be contributing to your continued health problems. You may also find that a course in Energy Healing will help you to take control of your own health.
We offer treatment plans for people managing chronic illnesses and pain. The mission of the staff is to teach people how to heal themselves through changes in their diet, acupressure massage, herbal remedies, energy healing and many other natural strategies to reclaim health. Once your healthy balance has been restored, Wen Shu and the staff at OMC offer support so that you can continue on your path to wellness; to live without suffering, and with peace, love and light.
Our Services
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We posted a variety of recipes to help with your healing
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