Let us help you during this situation to create a healthy environment. We can help you build immunity quickly.
There are many ways to strengthen your immunity.


  1. You need to get 7 hours of sleep a day.
  2. Eat well. This means eat high-quality protein, which contains nature antibodies, do not
    eat sugar (refined sweeteners or any things that use high heat to refine), sugar makes our white blood cells sleep for 5 hours, therefore our immune is at rest, so make changes to the foods you eat.
  3. The virus has a fixed pattern, and it increase in winter or in cold situations. Therefore, we should be exposed to the sun and increase vitamin D. People who take vitamin D will reduce respiratory infections by two-thirds in winter. Or you can take supplement D (best in liquid)
  4. You must rinse your mouth often, especially when you arrive home. Whether it’s water, salt water, iodine added to water, mouthwash, or tea, those are all effective.
  5. Take a hot bath/shower every day. High temperature is not conducive to virus. The research also mentions that if you take a hot bath/shower more than 4 times a week, the virus infection can be reduced to 60%. Even if the exposure is sufficient at 41 degrees for 5 minutes. This does not mean public spas.
  6. Since the virus is not conducive in high temperature, we should bring up our body temperature (that’s why when we get a virus, our body often has a fever, our body is trying to kill virus), so before virus attack us, we drink hot tea, hot soup, or heating bag to help our immune work properly.


Here are some pressure points you can use…

For more information please feel free to consult with ORIENTAL MEDICAL CARE.
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or 613-525-0861 email: teng@orientalmedicalcare.com or
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