We all need to strengthen our health and boost our immune systems during this time of year. Below you’ll find a list of helpful resources and routines I have compiled.


The following recipes and tips will help strengthen your antibodies and prevent illness.

1. Daily Healing Tea

2. Golden Milk for Health

3. Tips to Strengthen Your Immunity

4. Cut Onion to Prevent Viruses

5. Roasted Garlic

Remedies for Existing Illness

Use these resources if you are already sick with a cold / flu / illness.

1. Rice Congee (for health purposes ) is a simple rice soup/porridge often eaten for breakfast in China. Congee is good for alleviating nausea, especially during cancer treatment. It can also provide relief from symptoms of cold or flu, including fever, lost appetite, and stomach issues. Congee is nutritious and easy to digest, and can help boost your immune system.

2. Flu Infusion

3. Garlic / Rice Vinegar

4. Wen Shu’s Chicken Soup


– If at work/out in the world/around lots of people where you feel you have been on the receiving end of a high viral load: 1-2g a day – spread through the day – morning, mid-day and evening
– Not at work/out in the world: 1g a day

Treatment of Symptoms:
Immediately take 3g at once in onset of symptoms. Then after….
– Mild symptoms: 3-6g a day– spread through the day – morning, mid-day and evening
– Acute symptoms: 1g every hour
(Notes on products: The best quality Liposomal C is in liquid form not capsule. When taking non liposomal C, ascorbic acid is the one to take in 1,000mg capsules. Alot of Vit C is made from GMO corn, so do your research)

Preventative – 1 x 5,000IU every day
Onset of Symptoms – Loading dose of 1 x 25,000 IU (4 caps) for 1 day. Then take 5,000 IU 1 x capsule a day then after

Preventative: 15mg a day – 1 x capsule (15mg)
Symptoms: 30mg a day. – 2 x capsules
(Notes on products: Zinc citrate or zinc glycinate. Seek one out which is easily absorbable)

MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS mix of Reishi, Cordyceps with Ashwagandha
Preventative: – 2 capsule a day (1 x breakfast & 1 x lunch)
Symptoms: – 4 capsules a day (2 x breakfast & 2 x lunch)


Tea tree oil, thieves oil… There are many good ways to use it.

Organic or wild foods as much as possible. Whole grains, no white sugar. Regular sunlight if you can.

Move your body daily in a way that you enjoy. A simple walk has numerous health benefits.

Use prayer or meditation to increase your peace of mind, and reduce stress. Stress is a leading cause of illness. Prayer and meditation have been shown to improve sleep, calm emotions, and increase your memory and ability to focus.

Getting enough quality sleep is vital for your health and wellness.

If you’d like more information or have any questions related to these tips, feel free to get in touch. Call 613-525-0861, email teng@orientalmedicalcare.com, or connect with us on Facebook.