Blood pressure relationship with illness and blood vessel pathological changes

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure will show two numbers, for example, 120/80mmHg, the higher value is called “systolic blood pressure 收縮壓” and the lower value is called “diastolic blood pressure 舒張壓”.

Systolic blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the arterial wall by the blood sent out when the heart contracts. It is closely related to the degree of hardening/blockage of the large arteries. The normal value is between 90-140mm Hg.

Diastolic blood pressure is the minimum blood volume in the arteries during the diastole of the heart. The lowest pressure is called diastolic blood pressure. The number of diastolic blood pressure is mostly determined by peripheral vascular impedance. The normal value is 50-90mmHg.

The blood pressure value of the human body changes at any time, and will change with exercise, emotion, posture, physical condition, temperature, diet, medicine, etc.

General BP Number:

The normal blood pressure is 120/80mmHg. If it is higher than 140/90mmHg, it may be “hypertension“. If the systolic blood pressure is lower than 90mmHg, or if the systolic blood pressure is more than 25mmHg lower than the usual average systolic blood pressure, it is “hypotension“.

Clinical studies have confirmed that patients with hypertension are at higher risk of suffering from stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, peripheral vascular disease and aneurysm. Therefore, the principle of blood pressure control is to control blood pressure within Below 140/90mmHg, the chances of complications related to hypertension can be effectively controlled.

The formation of blood pressure depends on 5 factors: elasticity of large blood vessels, heart contraction (heart failure), blood itself (anemia), blood viscosity (high blood lipids), external resistance (arterial stenosis), etc. When blood pressure becomes unstable, high or low, we will be reminded to carefully track and discuss these points.

Messages conveyed by high and low Blood pressure

1. Systolic blood pressure is high, diastolic blood pressure is normal
It means that the elasticity of the aorta decreases, mainly due to the aging of the human body. It is common in elderly and menopausal women.

2. Systolic blood pressure is normal, diastolic blood pressure is high
If the systolic blood pressure is normal but the diastolic blood pressure is high, or even the pulse pressure difference is very close, such as 130/110mmHg, it is probably caused by heavy work pressure, low activity, increased sympathetic nerve activity, and increased peripheral vascular resistance, which is a sign of hypertension. early performance. Isolated diastolic hypertension cannot be ignored, because as the disease course prolongs, isolated diastolic hypertension can transform into classic hypertension. Even develop to simple systolic hypertension. If left untreated, the prognosis becomes worse as we age.

Another possibility is that the lung function is abnormal. The exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the lungs is insufficient, causing the oxygen content in the blood to be too low. In order to ensure that all cells receive sufficient oxygen supply, the body self-compensates and reduces the diastolic pressure of the blood circulation system.

There are many factors that affect diastolic blood pressure, but the main factors are heartbeat and vascular resistance. Changes in heart rate have a greater impact on diastolic blood pressure. The heart rate increases, the diastolic period is shorter, and less blood flows to the periphery through the arterioles in a shorter period of time. Therefore, the amount of blood remaining in the aorta at the end of the diastolic period is Increase, leading to high diastolic blood pressure. On the other hand, increased peripheral vascular resistance and reduced arterial elasticity will reduce the amount of blood returned to the heart. When the amount of blood remaining in the aorta increases at the end of diastole, diastolic blood pressure will increase.

3. High systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure
High systolic blood pressure indicates vascular obstruction, and high diastolic blood pressure indicates vascular hardening. Because systolic hypertension often occurs in the elderly, once systolic blood pressure is controlled, diastolic blood pressure will become normal. Therefore, control of systolic blood pressure is more important than diastolic blood pressure.

4. High systolic blood pressure, low diastolic blood pressure
Simple high systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure lower than 95 mmHg or high systolic blood pressure but diastolic blood pressure does not rise or is lower, and large pulse pressure difference are mostly the result of vascular hardening.

5. Low systolic blood pressure, low diastolic blood pressure
In general, if the blood pressure of adults is measured multiple times and the systolic blood pressure is maintained below 90 to 100 mmHg, and the diastolic blood pressure is below 50 to 60 mmHg, they should undergo further physical examination to find out the cause and treat it. Types of hypotension can be divided into essential hypotension, secondary hypotension, and postural hypotension.

What we need to notice when blood pressure in both hands is different

The difference in blood pressure between the two hands can be used to determine whether there are blood vessel-related lesions. The normal difference in blood pressure between the two hands is 5-10mmHg. Once multiple measurement results show that the difference in blood pressure between the two hands exceeds 20mmHg, it means that the blood vessels may be diseased. It is recommended to seek medical treatment immediately to find out the cause and receive treatment as soon as possible. Doctors can suspect possible blood vessel-related diseases based on the different high and low blood pressure in both hands. For example, the hand with lower blood pressure has a greater risk of arteriosclerosis and blood vessel obstruction and should be examined and treated as soon as possible, text or email Oriental Medical Care, we will take care of you.

The code of pulse pressure difference

1. The pulse pressure difference refers to the value obtained by subtracting the diastolic blood pressure from the systolic blood pressure. The normal pulse pressure difference is between 30-40mmHg. The higher the pulse pressure difference, the more severe the patient’s vascular sclerosis and the worse the prognosis. The chances of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and even death will increase. Especially those with pulse pressure differences above 60 are at high risk for cardiovascular sclerosis. Moreover, studies have confirmed that people with a larger pulse pressure difference face greater pressure on their left ventricle than patients with hypertension or those with a normal pulse pressure difference, and their cardiovascular system is more susceptible to damage.

2. Two main reasons:

  • 1st: Long-term hypertension and arteriosclerosis reduce the elasticity of the arterial wall, resulting in increased systolic blood pressure and lower diastolic blood pressure, resulting in an increased pulse pressure difference;
  • Long-term hypertension causes myocardial infarction Overload, causing heart enlargement or aortic valve insufficiency, leading to an increase in pulse pressure difference. In addition, when accompanied by hyperthyroidism or severe anemia, the pulse pressure difference may also increase.
  • The most important thing to be alert to when your blood pressure is high at night is “sadness.”

Blood pressure remains high at night, Be careful.

What is Normal blood pressure cycle?

When you measure your blood pressure in the morning, noon, and evening, you may find that your blood pressure is highest in the afternoon, highest in the morning, gradually decreases when you get off work, and lowest before going to bed. Your blood pressure is the lowest during sleep. This is a normal blood pressure cycle.

But some people are different. Their blood pressure does not drop at night. This group belongs to the so-called “non-dipper” group. Medical statistics have confirmed that they have a higher chance of suffering from stroke and heart disease. In other words, nocturnal hypertension is more dangerous than daytime hypertension. Patients must consult a doctor as soon as possible to control nocturnal hypertension by adjusting drug dosage, type and other treatments, of course Traditional Chinese Medicine have great theory help rebalance it.

Blood pressure will rise during exercise and labour, and blood pressure will drop during rest. However, some people’s blood pressure will not rise during exercise. Such patients are prone to heart disease, including heart failure, heart valve disease, or serious cardiovascular disease. The probability is relatively high and must be monitored carefully.

Physiological factors affect blood pressure values

Age: As you age, your arteries become less elastic and your blood pressure increases. As age increases, systolic blood pressure will gradually increase; and women will be affected by hormones. Medical statistics show that women before menopause are less likely to suffer from high blood pressure, but after menopause, the prevalence of high blood pressure is similar to that of men. Diastolic blood pressure is just the opposite. For many hypertensive patients after the age of 60, their diastolic blood pressure does not rise but falls. However, this does not mean that the high blood pressure situation has improved. Instead, it is a warning that the pulse pressure difference has become larger and vascular sclerosis has gradually become serious.

Gender: Generally, male blood pressure is 5-10mmHg higher than female blood pressure.

Temperature: Where the temperature is higher, blood vessels dilate and blood pressure drops; where the temperature is lower, blood vessels constrict and blood pressure is higher. When body temperature is high, blood vessels dilate and blood pressure drops; but when cold and shivering, blood vessels constrict and blood pressure rises.

Metabolism: Blood pressure increases when metabolic rate is high and blood pressure decreases when metabolic rate is low.

Posture: The influence of posture on blood pressure comes from gravity. Systolic blood pressure is highest when lying down, followed by sitting and standing. The opposite is true for diastolic blood pressure, which is highest when standing, followed by sitting and lying down.

Difference between left and right hands: Since the right subclavian artery is closer to the aorta leaving the heart than the left subclavian artery, under normal circumstances, the blood pressure of the right hand is about 5-10mmHg higher than the blood pressure of the left hand. However, it is abnormal when it exceeds this range.

Difference between the upper and lower limbs: When measuring the blood pressure of the upper and lower limbs in a standing position, it is usually 10-15mmHg higher in the lower limbs. When it exceeds 20mmHg, or when the lower limbs are inversely lower than the upper limbs (descending artery obstruction), it is an abnormal phenomenon.

Something you can help yourself?

To explain simply, when our brain oxygen is not balanced, our brain will give orders to our heart to increase (or decrease) the blood pressure to pump fresh blood and bring fresh oxygen to the brain (or to balance it). How can we help our blood pressure maintain balance for us?

Acupressure points – Good for either Maintenance or emergency

A. Tai chong acupoint太冲LV3

  • Use our right heel to massage your Left LV3, (must massage your Left side LV3 first, its heart side)
  • Use your Left heel to massage your Right LV3.
  • Do not bend your upper body to massage it, especially when you know that you have high blood pressure at moment.
  • Massage till you feel your LV3 is hot ( soak feet in warm water result even faster)
Tai chong acupoint

B. Use Back of ears (very helpful to reduce stress, beauty points also)

  • If someone elderly in your home or family has a sudden blood pressure increase, use a bucket of warm water and soak his/her feet, then follow A. Then you (or the person) massages this B part
    Place your thumbs on the area behind your ears and rub them repeatedly. Note that the direction of rubbing must be “top➔ down”. While doing this, they should take slow deep breaths, and when the person’s ears feel warm/hot, this usually means blood pressure (stress) is back to normal.
  • You can use this theory to prevent blood pressure issues. Each rub usually lasts about 10 to 15 minutes, and is done once in the morning, noon and evening every day.
  • If you continue to do the above actions, I believe your high blood pressure will be significantly improved.
Back of ears

Antihypertensive Tea

Increase blood flow to carry better quality oxygen and help lower high blood pressure. Allow vascular elasticity and blood circulation to be supplied to our cerebrovascular barrier. When there is enough oxygen in the brain, the pressure will slowly ease.

Please ask your health professional and/or Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner to customize your dose and to see if you can use it.


  1. Bei Huang Qi (tonify Qi) 30g
  2. Dang Shen (tonify Qi) 10g
  3. Chuan Hong hua (blood circulation, vascular elasticity) 0.5g

* San qi 1g (regenerate, promote and reactivate blood) take morning and evening. This use Powder.

When/ and how you take the tea (chose the one you prefer)

  1. Drink it as your daily liquid
    Combine 1 + 3, rinse, then steep in 1.5L of boiled water, drink it as daily liquid you need.
  2. Put 1+2+3, rinse it, then add it to 600 ml water and boil for 20 minutes (will have about 500 ml left), drink it before 3 pm.
If you would like us to help deeper of your blood pressure or other health condition, text us or email us, we know we can help a lot.

External Treatment of Hypertension

Specific operations for lowering blood pressure using foot acupoints:

  1. Use an acupuncture stick or fingernail to press the pressure-reducing points on the left and right feet respectively.
  2. Press each point approximately 10 times (this is one set), You can do it many set per day, should be in 20-30 minutes in between. Press 10 to 20 times a day

1. Use your fingers or acupuncture stick to massage the SJ 4
2. SJ4 is located in the transverse creases on the dorsum of the wrist, that is, the extensor tendon on the dorsum of the wrist and the little finger. The depression between the extensor tendons.

Yangchi acupressure point

Summary report and physical diagnosis:

The Chinese medicine is usually very helpful.

Judging from blood pressure and heartbeat. If systolic blood pressure is high, diastolic blood pressure is also high, and the heartbeat is fast. 165/98/95, 150/90/85 is a physique with large amounts of real heat and fire energy. This type of physique cannot take supplements even if it is tired. Like ginseng. The diet needs to be lighter, drink more green tea, eat more salads, fruits, and vegetables. Eat less meat, especially pork, beef, and venison.

If systolic blood pressure is high, diastolic blood pressure is also high, but the heartbeat is slow 165/99/65. It means that the blood circulation is blocked and the blood viscosity is relatively high. You cannot take supplements like ginseng. You need to exercise to promote blood circulation, especially focusing on aerobic exercise. Eat more celery, celery plus apple juice. Read our article, The Health Benefits of Celery for more information.

If systolic blood pressure is low, diastolic blood pressure is also low and the heartbeat is slow: 95/58/65. This is a true deficiency of qi and blood. This kind of constitution can replenish qi and blood. If it is true that both Qi and blood are deficient, it must be that the immunity is weakened and susceptible to inflamed. Eat more red meat and supplement zinc, protein, and iron. If immunity is low to a certain level, it becomes autoimmune. The body will attack itself, causing inflammation everywhere. This is usually combined with depression.

If systolic blood pressure is low, diastolic blood pressure is low, but the heartbeat is fast: 98/65/96-120. This is a deficit-type state, which is the most difficult to treat. It must be supplemented by food nutrition.

If the systolic blood pressure is 150~190, the diastolic blood pressure is 40~60, and the heartbeat is lower than normal, it may be dehydration, cardiac insufficiency, insufficient myocardial contraction, or autonomic nervous system disorder! Or a partial eclipse and insufficient protein. This is usually caused by a diet that is too light and lacks nutrients.

The average blood pressure and heart rate is 110/70/82. If the heartbeat is often fast, which is normal. The autonomic nervous system is somewhat disordered, and the sympathetic nervous system is rarely over-excited, emotionally disturbed, overdraft, fatigue, protein deficiency or hyperthyroidism. Eat less spicy and greasy food. MSG and caffeine must be avoided, and vitamin E must be supplemented at 150 IU. A rapid heartbeat is sometimes caused by too rapid oxidation! The body wears out quickly! It is best to supplement antioxidants, such as astaxanthin, etc.

(The above analysis is based on not taking blood pressure medication.)