Usui/Holy Reiki

Usui/Holy Reiki

To all students, we offer a chance to gain volunteer experience in our clinic. To all masters, we extend the open invitation to practice with Teacher Wen Shu Teng.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us which causes us to be alive. If your “life force energy” is low, then you are more likely to get sick or feel stress. When the energy flow is restored through Reiki or other energy therapies, you are more capable of being happy and healthy. Through the courses offered at OMC, you can learn to heal yourself, help manage chronic pain, improve your mood, and even help other people with their energy problems.

Usui/Holy Reiki Basic I & II

The Reiki Principles

Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will not be angry.
Just for today, I will do my duties fully.
Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbours and every living thing.

The most powerful reiki, we call Holy Reiki. It is Usui reiki, but even more

This is the level to share with you, guide you to love self (others) and heal self (others) from physical, mental and spiritual suffering. To learn to love, be in peace and joyful. Your heart will just fill with only love, peace and joy. This will guide you well to deal with all the suffering.

Yes, you are unique in the world “Light Walker”

You have a universal mission, to make a great contribution to this planet, and now what you remember when their true identity!

Originally gifted with spiritual wake-up is not difficult!

As a light walker, in this life you’ve been creating positive change. Choose to live out your soul universal goal to become therapists, teachers, artists, animal or child’s voice.

When we see others suffer, are you always unkind?

Whether others stood so wrong you covered?

Seemed born to, there is a dedication to the community’s heart.

Bring more love into peace.

Too many spiritual growth programs, you have no choice.

Be with the light source, be reconnected with the Divine .

If you are already helping workers, you need to come here to take charge, feed themselves.

If you want to be helping workers find themselves, come here for possible actions so that life can begin to change.


Prerequisites: Anyone who wants to be healed (love) self and others.

Tuition: $379 CAD or deposit 50% with balance due a week before class.

Class Times: 9am-5pm or 10am-6pm for two full days.

Usui/Holy Reiki Advanced I & II
This is a special key level to connect with your highest self to help yourself and others. How to help or prevent cancer. How to release physical, mental and spiritual pain. Aura clearing. Your light energy will be much brighter and pure with love, peace and compassion.

What you will learn from this course:

  • The Usui Master Symbol
  • How to heart link with the Divine, angels, yourself and others
  • Infinite sacred peace
  • How to love and be loved in return
  • Meditations with DKM
  • Scanning and Beaming
  • How to use energy to help Cancer
  • Release the past
  • Repair DNA
  • Aura clearing


Prerequisites: Reiki Basic I & II.

Tuition: $452 CAD or deposit 50% with balance due a week before class.

Class Times: 9am-5pm or 10am-6pm for two full days.

Usui/Holy Fire Enlightenment I & II

Are you ready to enlighten yet?

This is the life Enlightenment course, simply through Usui/ Holy fire to be enlightening.

Will be held for two days.

Welcome for all the students who have advanced Reiki (Reiki III) or higher degree who would want to know

  • How can there be life without suffering.
How to be enlightened in peace, love and joyful all the time.
  • How to be the greatest master in helping the self and others to be enlightened.

What is Holy Fire Reiki?

Holy Fire Reiki is a new form of Reiki being introduced by the ICRT. At same time 2014 right after Easter. I began direct guided by Divine to use same theory and method to share at OMC clinic reiki class. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. It is included as part of our Usui Reiki classes and has also been added to Karuna Reiki training.

Holy Fire energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness. This course are ten times much more powerful than other Reiki. ( ) Some of the qualities students have experienced include:

  • Works continuously even when not thinking about it and spontaneously heals issues as they come up.
  • Always respects free will.
  • Heals deeply and quickly without distress.
  • Heals relationships and interactions with others.
  • Releases worry and replaces it with a sense of safety in a most pronounced way.
  • Spontaneously provides guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience.
  • Tends to develop all the personality traits that are healthy for a person to have such as love of self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, peace and so forth.

One of the more wonderful effects is a feeling of being loved. This is a deep and refined feeling that is very nurturing.

Once received, it continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective.

What you will learn from this course:

  • Knowing who you really are and your soul meaning in this life.
  • Enlightenment is a gift from Divine to you, you are able to become enlightened or liberated.
  • Mindfulness meditation.
  • Use infinity symbol to help you infinity in love, in peace, joyful and health.
  • Easily Invite Divine wisdom into your daily life to help you (and others) to deal with difficulty (suffering).
  • Learn to connect to the wisdom of source to learn New Growth for your spirited evolution.
  • Repair DNA and release trauma from past life.

You will more easily understand what causes suffering. By understanding the reason, this will lead you to be an infinite light worker, and is the most important key to help you become a great Reiki master and guide you and others to walk through difficulty. And have peace and compassion within you.

Come network with other Reiki Masters from all over the country and often the world! This is an exciting workshop with lots of dedicated, high energy people.

A certificate and manual is included with in depth descriptions of each symbol and each attunement process.

Classes can be taught all across the Canada and other countries.

See our training schedule for dates and locations. Or you can contact us by phone email or Skype for schedule your course or host a course in your country.


Prerequisites: Advanced Reiki (Reiki III) or higher

Tuition: $510 (deposit $300)…… nonrefundable deposit

Usui/Holy Reiki Master I & II
You will be a great estate master to teach and lead others to practice Reiki.

You’ll be able to teach moment meditation; special issue mediation; karma; detox breathing.

You’ll be able to guide students understand all the causes behind emotional issues and illness.

You’ll be able to help students to heal; to cure; to be healthy; to be peaceful and joyful with compassion for life.

What you will learn from this course:

  • Knowing who you really are and your soul meaning in this life.
  • Enlightenment is a gift from the Divine to you, you are able to become enlightened or liberated.
  • Mindfulness meditation.
  • Use infinity symbol to help you feel infinity in love, in peace, joyful and health.
  • Easily invite divine wisdom into your daily life to help yourself and others deal with difficulty (suffering).
  • Learn to connect to the wisdom of source to learn New Growth for your spirited evolution.
  • Repair DNA and release trauma from past lives.
Usui/Holy Reiki Karuna® Master I & II

The Meaning of Karuna

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as “compassionate action.” When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one. Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. Because of the oneness of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others out of love, but also because it is an entirely logical thing to do. In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal. It is also stated in the Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by parjna or wisdom in order to have the right effect.

Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. They continually send an unlimited amount of healing energy and guidance to us, but not all are receptive to it. As you develop Karuna in yourself, not only are you helping others, but you also become more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent by all enlightened beings. Thus your healing is quickened as well.

Karuna Reiki opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.

What is Holy Fire Reiki?

Holy Fire Reiki is a new form of Reiki being introduced by the ICRT. At same time 2014 right after Easter. I began direct guided by Divine to use same theory and method to share at OMC reiki class. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.  It is included as part of our Usui Reiki classes and has also been added to Karuna Reiki training.

Holy Fire energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness. Some of the qualities students have experienced include:

  • Works continuously even when not thinking about it and spontaneously heals issues as they come up.
  • Always respects free will.
  • Heals deeply and quickly without distress.
  • Heals relationships and interactions with others.
  • Releases worry and replaces it with a sense of safety in a most pronounced way.
  • Spontaneously provides guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience.
  • Tends to develop all the personality traits that are healthy for a person to have such as love of self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, peace and so forth.

One of the more wonderful effects is a feeling of being loved. This is a deep and refined feeling that is very nurturing.

Once received, it continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective.

These qualities are present in I&II and become more pronounced in the ART/Master and Karuna classes.

The Usui/ Holy fire Karuna Reiki Master Class

This class is for anyone who has had Reiki Master training. It is complete with two levels, two attunements, four master symbols and eight treatment symbols. We have experimented with and taught this system since 1994 and have found it to be effective and powerful. In fact, most students find it ten times much more powerful than Usui Reiki! The energy has a more definite feeling to it. It works on the emotional and spiritual levels and also can help one become more grounded. Those who receive the attunements report experiences with their guides, angels, and higher self and feel the healing presence of other enlightened beings.

A brief description of the four Usui/ Holy Karuna Reiki I symbols is given here: The first symbol prepares the client for deep healing and is useful with past life issues. It helps release karma and deeply seated issues on the cellular level. The second symbol heals deeply and can be used to break up the negative patterns we unconsciously use to insulate ourselves from the truth, thus shattering delusion and denial. It heals the shadow self. The third symbol fills the person with love and restores balance. The fourth symbol completes the treatment by bringing the client back into the body and grounding. The Usui/ Holy Karuna Reiki II symbols are of a higher vibration and more powerful. They help connect directly with the Higher Self and work on a deeper level. While they have specific purposes discussed in class, the experience of their energy allows intuitive guidance in their use.

Both levels of Usui/ Holy Karuna Reiki and both attunements will be given as well as instruction and practice on the use of all twelve symbols. You will be able to teach all four levels of Usui/ Holy Karuna Reiki, two practitioner levels and two master levels after taking this class.

Lots of practice time is included for giving treatments, using the symbols and for learning the attunement processes.

We will also be doing a Reiki meditation to be aware of and heal the Shadow Self and using chanting and toning with Usui/ Holy fire Karuna Reiki. ( )

Come network with other Reiki Masters from all over the country and often the world! This is an exciting workshop with lots of dedicated, high energy people.

A certificate and manual is included with in depth descriptions of each symbol and each attunement process.

Classes taught all across the Canada and other countries.

See our training schedule for dates and locations. Or you can contact us for schedule your course or host course in your country.


Prerequisites: Reiki Master training

Tuition: $938 (deposit $500)………….  repeat $220 (before tax) nonrefundable deposit.

Holy Reiki Drum and Sound Healing Basic I & II
What is Reiki Drumming?

Combining Reiki and Drumming creates the Reiki Drum Technique, a method of utilising the drum to introduce Reiki energy into a person’s energy field to bring about deep relaxation thereby releasing deep seated tensions and achieving homeostasis. The drum rhythm reminds the body of its optimal vibration.

Reiki Drumming is a specialized method of introducing Reiki energy into a client’s energy field to facilitate deep relaxation and stress relief. As stress is relieved, tensions in the physical body are often released as well.

Biofeedback research indicates that even brief heartbeat drumming can double light meditative brainwaves (alpha) and reduce stress. We now know that stress depresses the immune system and has been linked to nearly all diseases.

Join Us and Learn Reiki Healing Drumming

This workshop includes an exploration into these questions:

  • Does sound change matter?
  • How does sound healing work?
  • How does sound affect the immune system?
  • Why does sound have such a profound effect on us?
  • Vowel sounds, mantras and the chakras?
  • How sacred sound can be activated through voice?

Join us for two days of transformational sound. This course is designed for anyone who has prior Reiki training and would like to explore Reiki and sound on a profoundly deep level. When sound is included in a Reiki session, both the healing qualities of the sound, as well as Reiki are enhanced.

Absolutely NO musical experience is necessary!!!!

  • Remove blocks to learning a musical instrument
  • Learn methods which relieve fear of creating sound.
  • Balance the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies simultaneously.
  • Remind your body of its ideal vibratory rate
  • Harmonize your energy with the heartbeat of the earth.
  • Learn methods to increase the power of Reiki distance healing
  • Learn Reiki Drumming methods to help relieve pain

Tuition: $998 CAD or 50% deposit with remaining balance due before class.

Holy Reiki Crystal Healing Basic I & II

Do you want 10 to 40 healers to work for (or with) you at once? Do you want to heal faster and deeper? This is a BEYOND AMAZING healing course. This course is going to help you have incredible, life changing out of body experiences and deep healing responses.

This course will help you:

  • Expand your awareness of subtle energies
  • Develop a deeper understanding or the power of intention
  • Experience the importance of gratitude and appreciation in relation to all life
  • Learn to align with divine will
  • Explore the spiritual essence of crystals and stones
  • Learn a method of balancing and activating the chakras
  • Learn a method of clearing the aura and of strengthening the etheric field
  • Explore cleansing the mental and emotional bodies
  • Use crystal energy to develop healthy mental and emotional patterns

In this course you will learn:

  • How to balance and activate the chakras
  • How to clear the aura and strengthen the etheric field
  • How crystal energy can cleanse the mental and emotional field
  • How to use crystal energy and Reiki to develop healthy mental and emotional processes
  • How to work with crystals to send healing energy to the earth
  • Methods to step out of ego and into higher consciousness
  • How to cleanse, program and nurture your crystals
  • 3 powerful crystal healing layouts
  • An introduction to crystal grids for distant healing

Receive the Crystal Healing Level One symbols, sacred mantras and attunement.

This class combines the Reiki and crystal healing energy, and can enhance and strengthen both modalities.


Prerequisites: Usui/Holy Reiki Basic I & II

Tuition: $622 CAD or deposit 50% with balance due a week before class.

Class Times: 9am-5pm or 10am-6pm for two full days.

Holy Reiki Crystal Healing Intermediate I & II

This class builds upon the information presented and the skills taught in the Level  I & II class, which is the prerequisite.

Experience and learn to create the Crystalline Transmutation Chamber
Learn to transmute anger, fear, hate, guilt, or envy for your personal healing and to help your clients. This chamber is created from a matrix of extraordinary crystals and gemstones. An energetic pattern is created to help transmute low frequency emotional blueprints.

Learn to create the Crystal Trinity Chamber
Clear and activate your “Etheric Heart Triad” The ascending heart and sacred heart create a triad via an etheric link with the heart chakra. There is a holographic projection of the link between these three centers held in the subtle energy field. This hologram is known as the etheric heart. Its purpose is to communicate via the language of light between your soul, the Divine Heart and the Divine Mind.

During this exercise you will learn to invoke the Reiki Energy and receive transmissions of Infinite Light and Infinite Love. (Infinite Light transmissions facilitate conscious connection directly to the Divine Mind while Infinite Love transmissions facilitate conscious connection with the Divine Heart)


Crystal Healing Wands
Learn special techniques to program, and attune to Vogel cut crystal wands. Learn basic methods of utilizing the wand in healing sessions for energy extractions, and balancing the water element in the physical body.

Reiki Vogel crystal healing wands are a unique cut of quartz originally developed by Marcel Vogel, founder of Psychic Research, Inc., and IBM’s leading research scientist for 27 years. These amazing tools are precisely faceted and cut with the exact interior angel of the Great Pyramid. The large/receptive end of the wand is cut to 51 degrees, 51 minutes, and 51 seconds. This receptive end draws in Reiki energy from the practitioner and it spirals down the length of the crystal. Reiki is amplified each time it bounces off of a facet. The more facets the healing wand has, the more it intensifies the flow of the energy. The amplified Reiki reaches the smaller, transmitting end which focuses the energy where it coalesces like a laser beam of light. We use only authentic Vogel cut healing wands from the finest Vogel trained cutters in the world.

Class Materials: All class materials are included. You will receive a class manual and all the gemstones needed for each session. The crystals are yours to keep.

Prerequisites: Reiki Crystal Healing Basic Level I & II

Tuition: $989 CAD or deposit 50% with balance due a week before class.

Class Times: This is a day class. Hours are 9am-5pm, or 10am-6pm (will notify before the class).

Holy Reiki Crystal Healing Advanced I & II

In this course you will learn...

  • An additional attunement, offering a deeper awareness of the Lemurian dimension and alignment with the cosmic flow.
  • Become an advanced crystal teacher, able to heartlink with all the crystals and students to become a powerful crystal healer.
  • With new Matrices explore the purity of Christos consciousness as you immerse yourself in this powerful matrix of crystals and gemstones.
  • Essence of Christ consciousness to awakening and transmutation begins Peace and Enlightenment.
  • Methods to step out of ego and into higher consciousness.

Receive the Crystal Healing Advanced Level Symbol, sacred mantras and attunement. This class combines the Reiki and crystal healing energy, and can enhance and strengthen both modalities.

This course will help you...

  • Connect and expand consciousness awareness with Divine purpose.
  • Develop a deeper understanding between one another, spiritual connections, relationship connections, and even internal connections.
  • Release past life causes of internal emotional physical, and mental connections, and learn to align with divine will.
  • Explore the spiritual essence of crystals and stones.
  • Communicate with Divine, crystals and being fully attuned.
  • Attunement and promoters of our inner awakening, attuning self, others, group or environment.
  • Use crystal energy to develop healthy mental and emotional patterns.
  • Repair unhealthy/ broken physical or emotional or relationships.


Prerequisites: Reiki crystal basic & intermediate, and have practiced at least 49 days.

Tuition: $1025 CAD or 50% deposit with remaining balance due before class.