Volunteer Days
Don’t be shy to call for help. It is our team’s honour to be able to help release your suffering a little.
Please share with your family or friends. They might need some urgent help.
Complimentary Acupuncture Treatments
Teacher Wen Shu Teng invites seniors over 65 and individuals with limited incomes to join her for a free acupuncture treatment. These treatments can help manage chronic illness, pain and restore balance to the body.
Energy Healing
Everyone needs to take the time to rebalance, restore or smooth out the flow of energy in their body. Please join us for a powerful healing treatment that includes meditation.
We will share the following with you:
- Meditation on eating
- How to eat in a healthy way
- What is the meaning of eating for you?
Healers attend for free if they arrive at 10am to give healing sessions.
Donations: suggesting $20, for non-healers or those not able to attend at 10am.
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